La hora
Para dar la hora utilizamos el verbo to be, y aunque en
español se responde “Son la una” o “es la una”, en Inglès, se usa el verbo to
be precedido del pronombre personal “it” para todo tipo de hora.
Observa estos
It’s two o’clock. (Son las dos en punto)
* La
expresión o’clock hace referencia a la hora en punto.
It’s five minutes past two. (Son las dos y cinco
se traduce literalmente diría: son cinco minutos pasadas las dos, pero ya es
sabido que no se debe traducir en forma literal.
1) 2:15: It’s
fifteen minutes past five. (Son las cinco y quince minutos),
ó It’s a quarter past five. (Son las cinco y cuarto)
2) 2:30: It’s thirty minutes past two. (Son
las dos y treinta minutos), ó It’s half past two. (Son las dos y media)
¡Importante! Cuando la hora pasa de los
treinta minutos o de la media hora, en Inglés se empieza a contar cuantos
minutos faltan para la siguiente hora. En el ejemplo sería:
1) 2:32:
¿Cuántos minutos faltan para las tres? Contamos…
28 minutos, entonces quedaría así: It’s 28 minutes to three. (Se traduce:
Faltan 28 minutos para las tres). La preposición “to” significa en este caso “para”.
2) 2:45: It’s
fifteen minutes to three. (Faltan 15 minutos
para las tres), ó It’s a quarter to three. (
Falta un cuarto para las tres)
Welcome!! :)
ResponderEliminarHello Everyone!
ResponderEliminarUses the verb to be: 6. the time
5th Year Section A
Members: Nelson Marciani
Daniel bautista
Sualix astidias
Jose Prato
Emmanuel Chacon
Jhon Arciniegas
20 sentences
1- I'm going to get up tomorrow at ten o'clock
2- Everyday I eat at half past two
3- Yesterday I was watching TV at quarter past twelve
4- Now is quarter to eleven
5- I'm going to sleep at quarter to ten
6- I will get up at half past seven
7- She came to school at nine o'clock
8- Yesterday i was playing at midnight
9- I will rest at three o'clock
10- I go to school at half past seven
11- Now is ten past three
12- I go to run at six o'clock
13- I have to be there after nine o'clock
14- He came to home at five past quarter
15- The TV show starts at half past six
16- She is sleeping from eight o'clock
17- He goes to work at ten to nine
18- Yesterday She was watching TV at three past quarter
19- I'm going to be there at six o'clock
20- She was here at seven o'clock
5 Questions and Answers
1)It’s two o’clock?
Yes, it’s two o’clock
No, isn’t two o’clock
2) it’s a quarter to ten ?
Yes, it’s a quarter to ten
No, isn’t a quarter to ten
3) it’s a quarter past ten ?
Yes , it’s a quarter past ten
No, isn’t a quarter past ten
4) it’s half past ten ?
Yes , it’s half past ten
No, isn’t half past ten
5)it’s four o’clock ?
Yes , it’s four o’clock
No, isn’t four o’clock
Para preguntar: Is it four o`clock?
EliminarGood job...Nelson Marciani
Daniel bautista
Sualix astidias
Jose Prato
Emmanuel Chacon and
Jhon Arciniegas :)
she has eaten pizza
ResponderEliminar(ella ha comido pizza)
pizza has eaten by her
(la pizza ha sido comida por ella)
he had sold the house
(el habia vendido la casa)
the house had been sold by him
(la casa habia sido vendida por el)
Sualix Astidias: This 0bjective is not about passive`s about the time...
EliminarAnyway your comment has been noted :)
Pizza has BEEN eaten by her.
I want to learn english..